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Generative AI: OpenAI API, ChatGPT, and GPT-4 in Python

9.8/10 (Expert Score)
Courses is rated as #1 in category OpenAI API

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Generative AI: OpenAI API, ChatGPT, and GPT-4 in Python

Content and Overview

Welcome to the forefront of artificial intelligence with our groundbreaking course on Generative AI (GenAI), the OpenAI API, and the ChatGPT API. With ChatGPT and GPT-4, you’ll learn how to build with the world’s most advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). This course is a must-have if you want to know how to use this cutting-edge technology for your business and work projects.

This course contains 5 main sections:

  1. Basic API Usage: All the fundamentals: signup for an account, get your API key, set environment variables on Windows / Linux / Mac, using the API in Python, setup billing, understand the pricing model, and OpenAI’s usage policies. Of note is the chatbot tutorial, which goes over how to incorporate chat history into the model so that ChatGPT “remembers” what it said to you previously. A customer service chatbot will serve as a running example throughout this course.
  2. Prompt Engineering: ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers – All about how to make ChatGPT do what you want it to do. We’ll explore various example use-cases, such as getting ChatGPT to output structured data (JSON, tables), sentiment analysis, language translation, creative writing, text summarization, and question-answering. We’ll explore techniques like chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, and we’ll even look at how to use ChatGPT to build a stock trading system!
  3. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): Learn how to incorporate external data into LLMs. This powerful technique helps mitigate a common problem called “hallucination”. It’s critical if you have proprietary data (like product info for your company) that your LLM doesn’t know about. You’ll learn how semantic search / similarity search works, and how to implement it using FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search library). Learn how this will allow you to “chat with your data”.
  4. Fine-Tuning: Learn how to “train” ChatGPT on your own dataset so that it behaves the way you want it to. Sometimes prompt engineering and RAG won’t cut it.
  5. GPT-4 with Vision: Everything in this course can be done with GPT-4, but what makes GPT-4 (and GPT-4 Turbo) special is its vision capabilities. That is, it can understand images. In this section, we’ll explore many of the amazing applications of combined text-image understanding, some of which include automated homework grading, explaining memes and humor, handwriting transcription, web development, game development, and writing product descriptions based on images (business owners – you already know how this will skyrocket your productivity).

Throughout this course, you’ll engage in hands-on exercises, real-world applications, and expert guidance to solidify your understanding and mastery of generative AI concepts. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, aspiring AI enthusiast, or industry professional, this course offers a transformative experience that will empower you to harness the true potential of AI.

Are you ready to embark on this exhilarating journey into the future of AI? Join us and unlock the endless possibilities of Generative AI today!


In this Generative AI Course you will learn?

What you’ll learn
  • How to setup and use the OpenAI API with ChatGPT
  • How to effectively use prompt engineering
  • RAG (retrieval-augmented generation) with the OpenAI Embeddings API
  • FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)
  • How to Fine-Tune ChatGPT

Generative AI: OpenAI API, ChatGPT, and GPT-4 in Python

Course Information
  • Instructor: Lazy Programmer
  • Duration: 10 hours 50 minutes
  • Language: English [Auto], Korean [Auto]
  • Source: Udemy

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9.8Expert Score

Generative AI: OpenAI API, ChatGPT, and GPT-4 in Python. Empower Your Business With GenAI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, + Data Science

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