Dynamic Programming Algorithms Master Course (2022)

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Dynamic Programming Algorithms Master Course (2022)

Dynamic Programming Algorithms Master Course (2022)

Ultimate Specialisation on Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming for Competitive Coding & Interviews.

Are you feeling brushed-up with data structures and algorithms but often feel stuck when it comes to DP! But no more, we are super happy to present the Dynamic Programming Specialisation Course for everyone, to help you master the important Dynamic Programming Concepts and level up for Competitive Coding & Interviews. The Dynamic Programming Master Course is taught by Apaar Kamal, software engineer at Google & Master on Codeforces along with Prateek Narang, an ex-Google engineer and founder of Coding Minutes.

This highly detailed & rigorous curriculum has been designed to ensure your success in online competitions where Dynamic Programming problems are very common these days. Many top companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Directi, CodeNation, Goldman Sachs etc encourage Competitive Programming and conduct coding competitions to hire smart people who can solve problems. Dynamic Programming is a popular algorithmic technique in computer programming that helps to efficiently solve a class of problems that have overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure property.

Best Seller CourseGraph Theory Algorithms for Competitive Programming (2022)

What you’ll learn

  • Identify what type of problems can be solved using DP
  • Come with recurrence for most DP Problems
  • Master the advance DP techniques
  • Face interviews and online challenges more confidently

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