Vue – The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API)

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Deal Score+15
Vue - The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API) Course

Vue – The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API) Course

Vue.js is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications! VueJS mixes the Best of Angular + React!

Created by Maximilian Schwarzmüller with 31.5 hours on-demand video courses

Course Description

Join this bestselling Vue course to learn how to use the latest version of VueJS to build amazing, modern web apps! No matter at which metric you look at (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets) – VueJS is the shooting star in the world of JavaScript frameworks – it simply is amazing!

This bestselling Udemy course teaches the latest version of Vue (Vue.js 3) from the ground up and in great detail. We’ll cover all the core basics but we’ll not stop thereafter – this course also dives into advanced concepts like the Composition API introduced with Vue 3.

Frontend frameworks like Vue JS are extremely popular because they give us this reactive, great user experience we know from mobile apps – but now in the browser! No wonder that jobs requiring frontend framework skills like VueJS are amongst the best paid ones in the industry!

You may know Angular 2+ and ReactJS, well, VueJS combines the best of both frameworks and makes building anything from small widgets to big, enterprise-level apps a breeze and a whole lot of fun! And if you don’t know the two mentioned frameworks: That’s fine, too, this course does not expect any knowledge of any other frontend framework – you will learn it all throughout this Course!

This Vue – The Complete Guide course covers it all!

We’ll start at the very basics, what Vue.js is and how it works before we move on to more complex and advanced topics but I’ll be honest: It’s too much to fit it all into one sentence, so here’s what you’ll learn in this Course:

  • What is VueJS and Why would you use it?
  • The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more!)
  • How to Output Reactive Data & Listen to Events
  • Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements …)
  • Setting up a Development Environment and Workflow
  • Using Components (and what Components are to begin with)
  • A Deep Dive Look Behind the Scenes of Vue
  • Binding to Form Inputs
  • Sending Http Requests to Backend APIs
  • Authentication & Vue
  • How to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and Transitions
  • How to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Routing
  • How to improve State Management by using Vuex
  • How to Deploy the App
  • And much more!

All these topics are taught with real examples and demo projects. This course is full of exercises, challenges and bigger courser projects that allow you to practice what you learned.

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What you’ll learn in Vue – The Complete Guide Course

  • Build amazing Vue.js Applications – all the Way from Small and Simple Ones up to Large Enterprise-level Ones
  • Understand the Theory behind Vue.js and use it in Real Projects
  • Leverage Vue.js in both Multi- and Single-Page-Applications (MPAs and SPAs)
  • Learn the latest version of Vue (Vue 3), including the brand-new Composition API

Who this Vue – The Complete Guide course is for:

  • This Course is for Everyone interested in Frontend Development and Major JavaScript Frameworks
  • This Course is for you if you want to create Reactive Applications, which run in the Browser
  • This Course also targets Students who prefer a native JavaScript Framework which makes Getting Started much simpler than Angular 2
  • Displeased with Angular 2? VueJS is for you!
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