AP Computer Science Principles with Swift

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AP Computer Science Principles with Swift

AP Computer Science Principles with Swift

Learn the basics of programming, and make apps for iPhones!

This course will teach you the basics of programming in Swift and how to build apps for iPhones. Throughout this course, you’ll create over 20 apps! You’ll also get to learn more about computer science topics like computer hardware, how data is stored and used by companies, machine learning and algorithmic bias, how the Internet works, and cybersecurity.

This course follows the standards for the AP Computer Science Principles course, and it builds on a curriculum created by Apple. It includes video lectures and hands-on activities to practice the things you learn. By the end of the course, you’ll be ready to take the AP CSP exam or to continue building apps on your own!

This course is ideal for someone who is interested in learning more about programming, computer science, or creating their first iOS apps. The only prerequisites is a basic understanding of algebra and a mac computer. Check out the course outline and sample videos if you’d like to learn more, and I hope to see you in class!

Best Seller CourseiOS & Swift – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the fundamentals of programming in Swift!
  • Work though the AP CSP curriculum and prepare for the AP exam!
  • Create over 20 apps for iPhones!
  • Explore major topics in computer science like cryptography, cybersecurity, and machine learning!

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